Good Neighbor Award

Mission & Purpose

The Oregon REALTORS® Good Neighbor Award recognizes a REALTOR® member who makes a positive impact on their community. This annual award seeks to highlight, inspire, and perpetuate the individual contributions within the real estate industry toward improving the livability of Oregon cities and towns, as well as financially supporting the non-profits that exist to do the same.


  • Nominees must be members in good standing of the National Association of REALTORS®, Oregon REALTORS®, and have primary membership with a local board or association of REALTORS® in Oregon.
  • Nominees must be active practitioners as certified by their Managing Broker.
  • Nominees will be judged on the level of personal contribution, especially volunteer (unpaid) hours, though contributions of money and other resources will be considered as well.
  • Some portion of the nominee’s work must have taken place within the 12 months prior to the nomination deadline of May 31.
  • This award is intended to recognize individuals, not local boards or associations, or companies. If an individual within your board, association, or company can be singled out as instrumental to the success of a group effort, he or she is eligible. If the achievements of two people (such as a married couple or co-founders of an organization) cannot be separated, they can enter as a pair and their entry will be considered as one.


  • REALTORS® may nominate themselves or may be nominated by another REALTOR®, a state or local association executive, or the 501(c)(3) organization they serve.
  • Oregon REALTORS® staff and their families, current Recognition Committee members and their families, and current sponsors/sponsor employees and their families are ineligible.
  • Award finalists must sign an affidavit of eligibility, submit to a criminal history check, and be willing to be interviewed, photographed, filmed, and nominated for the National Association of REALTORS® Good Neighbor Award.
  • Award monies will only be granted to 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations deemed by the Oregon REALTORS® Recognition Committee members to benefit the livability of Oregon cities and towns.
  • Oregon REALTORS® staff and Recognition Committee members will not accept lobbying efforts on behalf of nominees.

 Learn More about the Good Neighbor Award

Questions? Contact the Good Neighbor Awards program manager at 503-362-3645.

REALTOR® of the Year: Local & State Programs

The REALTOR® of the Year (ROTY) program is designed to recognize a REALTOR® member of each Local Association/Board in Oregon who has provided outstanding service to the REALTOR® organizations (local, state, and national), their profession, and their community primarily during the past 18 months.

Each Local Association/Board REALTOR® of the Year may become a candidate for State REALTOR® of the Year recognition when the individual’s name is submitted to the Association along with the required applicant information.

The Oregon REALTORS® State REALTOR® of the Year (ROTY) program is designed to recognize a REALTOR® member from one of the local associations/boards in Oregon who has provided outstanding service to all REALTOR® organizations (local, state, and national), their profession and their community, primarily during the past 5-7 years.

ROTY State History

The Purposes of the ROTY Program

  • To recognize and reward deserving REALTOR® members for efforts and work on behalf of their fellow REALTORS®, their profession, and their community;
  • To communicate to the general public, by these outstanding examples, the professionalism of REALTORS® and the outstanding work they do for their clients, customers, industry, and community;
  • To exemplify the qualifications, involvement, and contributions of those REALTORS® required to be considered for leadership positions in organized real estate; and
  • To foster a spirit of competition among those REALTORS® who make outstanding contributions to their REALTOR® organizations, the profession, and the community in which they live.

The Procedure

  1. The Local Board/Association President should appoint a ROTY Selection Committee composed of three to five active Board/Association members with the immediate past ROTY or another past ROTY recipient serving as chairman. The Committee should inform the members of the Board/Association of the program and the selection criteria. Recommendations for the Committee’s consideration should be solicited.
  2. The name of the Board/Association ROTY should be kept confidential until the presentation at the special awards ceremony. An appropriate plaque or trophy may be givenThe selection must be made by June 30 if the recipient is to be recommended for consideration at the state level for the current year.
  3. After the award is giventhe information should be sent to the Oregon Association of REALTORS®. If the information is submitted to the Association office prior to the announcement, the information will be kept confidential until an announcement is made (please specify the announcement date). The nomination of the Board/Association REALTOR® of the Year as a candidate for State Association REALTOR® of the Year must have the signature of the Board/Association President and Executive Officer at the bottom of the required data form when it is submitted.

The REALTOR® of the Year Committee recommends that Local Boards/Associations utilize the following guidelines for the selection of their local ROTY:

  • REALTOR® SPIRIT (25%) Faithfulness and adherence to the principles of organized real estate, real estate laws and regulations, Board/Association bylaws and the National Association of REALTORS® Code of Ethics; time and effort expended in furthering principles of good real estate practices in their own business and among other real estate brokers, the press and the general public; attainment of professional designations, dedication to RPAC investments and member leadership with RPAC culture; etc.
  • ACTIVITY IN LOCAL BOARD/ASSOCIATION (25%) Local Board/Association offices held; committee work; special assignments; seminar and educational attendance or teaching; membership and offices held in state chapters of NAR institutes, societies, and councils; etc.
  • ACTIVITY IN COMMUNITY AFFAIRS (20%) Local, state, and national participation in civic and service clubs and charitable activities; participation on political/governmental commissions and committees; fraternal and religious involvement; etc.
  • ACTIVITY IN STATE ASSOCIATION (15%) State association offices and leadership positions held; committee work; attendance and participation at state conventions, directors meetings, and education programs; etc.
  • BUSINESS ACCOMPLISHMENTS (10%) Public recognition of business conduct and achievements; service to clients and customers; imaginative and creative advertising programs; rehabilitation work; land utilization; etc.
  • ACTIVITY IN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION (5%) National offices and leadership positions held; committee work; membership and work in NAR institutes, societies, and councils; attendance at National conventions and business meetings; etc.


Distinguished Service Award (DSA) Program

The Oregon REALTORS® Distinguished Service Award was established in 1993 to recognize outstanding service and contributions to the Association over a period of at least 10 years. Criteria for the award include service in areas such as committee membership, committee leadership, and service as a state director, officer, or NAR director.

Since the Award’s inception, 36 Oregon REALTORS® have received it. Up to two members can be honored in any given year, but there is no requirement that the award be presented annually. The DSA traditionally is presented at the Association’s spring governance meetings.

The Distinguished Service Award (DSA) supplements the REALTOR® of the Year Award and does not replace or compete with it. The REALTOR® of the Year Award (ROTY) remains the highest single honor and recognition of achievement for service to the National Association of REALTORS®, the Oregon REALTORS®, and Local Boards/Associations, and, in addition, business accomplishments, REALTOR®, spirit, and community service are also considered.

The DSA recognizes members for their extended (lifetime) outstanding contributions and service to the Oregon REALTORS®. Other considerations and criteria used for the ROTY are not applicable. The Distinguished Service Award serves to recognize exemplary dedication and volunteer leadership to Oregon REALTORS®, both at state and local levels. The implementation of the DSA award compliments the annual ROTY award, serves a separate distinct purpose, and provides for more volunteer recognition. A recipient of the ROTY award may not be considered for the Distinguished Service Award until 5 years have elapsed from their receipt of the ROTY award.

DSA Recipients History

The Selection Criteria

  1. A minimum of 10 years of outstanding service and contribution to the Oregon REALTORS® in areas such as:
    1. Key/Committee/Forum Membership
    2. Key/Committee/Forum Leadership
    3. Service as a State Director
    4. Service as an Officer
    5. Service as an NAR Director
    6. Local Board/Association service
    7. Business accomplishments, REALTOR®, spirit and community service
  2. The award can be given to no more than two individuals per year, but need not be given every year.
  3. No recipient of the ROTY award may be eligible for the Distinguished Service Award until 5 years have elapsed from his or her receipt of the ROTY award.
  4. Recipient(s) recommendations are made by the REALTOR® of the Year Committee, subject to the approval of the Oregon REALTORS® President.