HOME Foundation Grants
The Oregon REALTORS® HOME Foundation Board of Directors makes available grants to qualified recipients (per the HOME Foundation Policies & Bylaws) to be chosen by each local Board/Association. The HOME Foundation Board of Directors has the discretion to adjust individual grant awards.
The mission of the HOME Foundation is to provide financial resources to organizations that directly or indirectly increase homeownership in Oregon.
Please remember that your local Board of Directors must approve any application submitted to the Oregon REALTORS® HOME Foundation Board of Directors for review. Because the grant funds will go directly back to your community, the Oregon REALTORS® HOME Foundation Board of Directors wants local leadership to determine which organizations’ grant applications should ultimately be submitted for review. In addition, the grant application must be signed by the local Board President and Executive Officer. Grants will be distributed by mid-December. We look forward to receiving grant applications from your Board/Association. Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions.