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The goal of the REALTOR® Safety Program is to reduce the number of safety incidents that occur in the industry, so every REALTOR® comes home safely to his or her family every night. We will accomplish this goal together with our members by improving the Safety Culture in the industry: Talk about safety; create a safety plan and follow it; and encourage your fellow REALTORS® to do the same.
Below are just some of the resources the Oregon REALTORS® have provided for you as a member benefit.
REALTOR® Safety Pledge:
As a REALTOR®, my first priority is the well-being and safety of myself, my REALTOR® colleagues, the clients and customers we serve, and the business partners who foster our profession.
Therefore, I pledge to always conduct business and prospecting activities in a reasonably safe manner, which includes following the recommendations from the National Association of REALTORS® and adhering to the Safe Listings Form to the best of my ability.
I am committed to receive education and in turn to advise consumers and colleagues on best safety practices.
REALTORS® are committed to safety, and I take this pledge because I care about the well-being of myself, my clients and customers, my colleagues, and my profession.
Cyber Insurance
Have you heard of cyber insurance? It’s a low-cost add-on to your business protection that can prevent loss due to hackers, phishers, and scammers. “Cybersecurity threats are fast-growing in the U.S.,” said NAR CEO Bob Goldberg. “And while some progress has been made to increase awareness and prevention efforts, it’s clear that there is more our members must understand to avoid these situations and to be prepared if an attack occurs. CyberPolicy will provide access to a key piece of that puzzle through a specialized program created specifically for our members.”
Click here to learn more about Cyber Insurance through NAR.
Tech Helpline
Did you know that Tech Helpline, a free member benefit of the Oregon REALTORS®, can help you set up security features like firewalls, antivirus programs, and more?
You can get help for free anytime via email, chat, or by calling 800-804-8226. They also have great cybersecurity tips on their blog.
Workplace Safety Plan
Does your office have a workplace safety plan? it doesn’t have to be complicated, but having a plan in place can help employees and clients stay safe if there’s an emergency or need to evacuate. Safety plans can be as simple as making sure everyone knows where all the exits are, having a code word, and an assigned place to meet outside the building. Issues such as earthquake safety precautions, workplace violence prevention, fire safety monitoring, and health-related problems should all be included on an emergency portion of the plan.
Resources for Protective Actions for Life Safety
In addition to the following resources available on the Internet, seek guidance from your local fire department, police department, and emergency management agency.
- Exit Routes and Emergency Planning – U.S. Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) 29 CFR 1910 Subpart E
- NFPA 101: Life Safety Code® – National Fire Protection Association
- Employee Alarm Systems – OSHA 29 CFR 1910.165
- Evacuation Planning Matrix – OSHA
- Evacuation Plans and Procedures eTool – OSHA
- Design Guidance for Shelters and Safe Rooms – Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA 453)
Safety Forms
Below are a variety of safety forms that you can customize and use in your office.
REALTOR® Safety Training
Visit the Center for REALTOR® Development for safety training offerings, presented by industry experts.
Free webinars and for cost courses available.
Safety Tips from the National Association of REALTORS®
Click Here for safety tips and best practices for REALTORS® to keep you safe on the job.
It’s a misconception that crimes against real estate agents are random and opportunistic street crimes when in fact, most are predatory in nature. In the video Predators: The True Nature of Crimes Against REALTORS®, hear from victims of predatory crimes, learn how to identify predatory behavior, and what to do to keep yourself safe in the field.
Interested in Supporting REALTOR® Safety?
The Safety Committee seeks to identify and implement safety benchmarks for members to help lower the number of safety issues; to promote that REALTOR® safety is of higher importance than a sale; to be a resource for local association/boards.
Learn More About How You Can Parnter With the Safety Committee