Reprint Guidelines

Reprint Guidelines 

As a benefit of membership, we permit Oregon REALTORS® members to reprint material from—with some exceptions and exclusions. Please read these guidelines in their entirety before you proceed with reprinting any material from the site. 

What You Can Reprint 

Public pages of  You may reprint written content in hard copy, on a website, or other electronic communication as long as the content comes from public pages on (public pages do not require a username and password for access), and Oregon REALTORS® holds the copyright for the content. (Oregon REALTORS® does not hold copyright if the article contains language at the end that specifies a different copyright holder, e.g., © Copyright 2024 Information Inc.) 

Written content must be reproduced in full. For each item you produce, please include the following attribution: 

“Copyright Oregon REALTORS®. Reprinted with permission.” 

Exclusions and Exceptions 

Images/Video: You cannot use or reproduce any image on Oregon REALTORS® is not the copyright holder of these images and does not have permission to allow others to use them. You are permitted to use and link to videos that have been created by Oregon REALTORS®, and may embed Oregon REALTORS® YouTube videos on your website. 

Password-protected content: You cannot use or reproduce any content that requires a login without explicit permission from the appropriate Oregon REALTORS® department. Contact us to determine if a page is password protected. 

Any copyrighted material: You cannot use or reproduce copyrighted material that does not belong to Oregon REALTORS®. Such material is indicated by an attribution such as “used by permission.” 

Linking to 

If you link items from your website to, you do not need permission, provided you are not reprinting material. Please note for your visitors that the link goes to the website of the Oregon REALTORS®. You may want to open the link open in a new browser tab, so visitors don’t navigate away from your site.