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Member Dues
Membership Overview
Holding a real estate broker’s license does not make someone a REALTOR®. The main thing that distinguishes a REALTOR® from a licensee is the Code of Ethics of the National Association of REALTORS®, which requires members to put their clients’ interests first at all times. Becoming a REALTOR® means you’re committed to continuing education, professionalism, and integrity.
With your REALTOR® membership, you are privileged to all the rights and benefits of all three levels of the organization:
As your real estate partners, we have the resources and services to help you succeed in your business. Curious where your dues go and just what exactly they get you? As a REALTOR® member, your membership dollars are hard at work for you in many ways, including advocacy, education, research, and communications. See where your Oregon dues dollars and your national dues dollars go.
Learn more about the 2025 Dues update process and view the dues updated overview.